About Us

Thermal International(S) Pte Ltd has been involved exclusively in the healthcare field since 1975. Over the years the Company has worked closely with the Gleneagles Group in Singapore to build, equip and staff some of the most modern and efficient healthcare facilities particularly hospitals in the Asia Pacific Region.

The experience and expertise available to Thermal resulted in the Specialist Cardiac Hospital Project in London, UK, a Parkway initiative. Simply known as the London Heart Hospital, Parkway has since relinquished their interest. It is now managed by a NHS trust.

Since inception, Thermal’s trading division provides the impetus to its day to day businesses, being appointed as sole distributor for many sophisticated products. in the Operating rooms and specialist areas. And it was in these periods that Thermal was treated as a Global customer with Datascope, Hill-Rom, Siemens and Philips. 

Through PICIS, Thermal became involved in Clinical Information System in both Malaysia and Singapore, being the very first company to have successfully implemented paperless charting in the ICU. Today, this product, helps reduces the workload of busy ICU nurses.

Thermal’s association with UK and US manufacturers goes back to the late 70’s carrying brands such as Lamtec Anaethersia units, Nesbit Evans beds and transfer trolleys, Bentley cardiac products. and Medtronic. Thermal is continuing these early roots in the healthcare industry and will not be capitulating on this nature of business which has contributed immensely to its profit and growth. This division has grown to incorporate the Turn Key business.

Manufacturers looking for nominal growth for their businesses may find Thermal uninteresting to work with. Only, their share of the pie comes when Thermal secures the turn key businesses and transforms bulk orders into reality. Customers of Thermal can tap into this vast source of data and experiences both in the Biomedical maintenance sector as well as equipment specialization. We believe this expertise is unparallel in the region.

In total, the Projects Division has completed more than 8 Projects. The Turn Key operations involve the complete logistic chain from manufacturer to end user. In that sense, Thermal operation involves, consultation, discussions, recommendations, procurement and commissioning.